lol forced segue

Hmmmmm. So the past few days have been interesting (in a good way). I feel much better about my situation, and even if this feeling is temporary, it's still nice to feel calm for once. :)

Now the only thing I'm still worrying about are my grades. Bleeeh. At least I got an A- in one of my other midterms. :D ......Though I still have a C in my other class. D:

Thought many of you would find this funny. I went to a large shopping mall in Columbus with DHB on Friday night, and when leaving...

Me: It looks like Hot Topic has become The Twilight Store.
Him: Ugh. I really do not like how that franchise is being treated.
Me: ?
Him: It's like... a turd that people look at and say, "Look at this magnificent turd." It's a turd that they're putting on a pedestal.
Me: ...I think most companies just treat it like a cash cow.
Him: That's true... it's a magical turd that lays golden eggs.

I'm totally seeing New Moon, btw. :3

Though DHB might be less enthused to see New Moon with me, the two of us did go see a movie on Friday called Paranormal Activity. Unlike DHB, I'm not much a fan of horror movies, but this one I actually really liked. It's not as intensely scary as some of the ads would lead people to believe, but it IS well-made (esp. considering the budget) and entertaining.

These are the audience reactions (sound only) of an audience at Seattle during the most scream-inducing part of the movie. The audience of my theater reacted in much the same way. I was a pussy and looked away during the very last part. (Which is something I still regret! I don't often look away. :( )

EDIT; Oh, and it's the type of movie that's better the less you know about it. DO NOT watch the official trailer! Aside from it being super cheesy, it might ruin parts of the movie for you, if you ever plan to see it. :(
