This is why I'm going crazy.

I ended up staying up until about 5AM last night. I was at a friend's apartment at the time, so I decided to just sleep over since my 9AM class was relatively close by. DHB was still studying and asked why I didn't ask our host for a blanket if I was planning to sleep over. I just said I didn't need one and went to sleep in a spare room.

So this morning, I woke up groggy and a little disappointed that DHB was nowhere to be found. And my logical half said, "Of course he's gone. He wasn't going to snuggle up next to you in the middle of the night, like a creeper!" I turned over, and only then did I realize that a very familiar blanket was covering me.

DHB won a red blanket at bingo last year, and that thing is like a fucking security blanket with the way he clings on to it. It actually annoys me sometimes, because there have been days when I've wanted to bundle it up and use it as a pillow or something, but he never lets me. So when I saw that same blanket neatly laid over me, my mind spun for a loop. I distinctly remember the words "eh??" and "but why is..." flashing through my head. I ended up just hugging the blanket close to me... and then doing so over and over again like some twisted fangirl once I got back to my own dorm.

I keep telling myself that moments like these are probably not unique to me... because in all likeliness, he would be this kind to his other close friends as well and not just me. (Which, let's face it, is what I secretly hope.) But it's hard not to feel happy by these small things that just seem so important to me.
