girly shit.

Having a bit of a dilemma. A stupid dilemma, but, well.

Long story short: I got an x-mas gift for DHB a looong time ago, but was never really expecting one from him, since he's kind of stingy when it comes to gift-giving for friends and he's... really dense, to put it nicely. But a couple days ago, the other close friend of his explicitly stated that she wanted to do a gift exchange. He showed me the gift he got for her, and it's actually rather sweet.

I don't know. I'm not the type of person who usually cares too much about receiving gifts. I don't give gifts with the expectation of getting something in return. I have other friends here who I've given to more than I've received, and I honestly don't mind. But for some reason, it really bothers me that I haven't gotten a single present from DHB since the two of us became friends. I mean, he tells me that he enjoys giving gifts to people and making people happy. But if that's the case... then why haven't *I* gotten anything yet?

Urgh, I feel like this must sound incredibly needy. But it bothers me that I have to repeatedly tell myself not to expect anything from him. It annoys me that I might have to explicitly tell him, yes, I would appreciate getting something for x-mas or my birthday. I guess I feel like the two of us are so close that I shouldn't have to demand these things. Is it too much to expect for these things to be reciprocated naturally? Or are guys really this dense? :/

EDIT: To clarify, I haven't given DHB his gift yet. My roomie says I should give it to him early and tell him that I expect something in return... but I've never been one to demand gifts from people. And the romantic in me would prefer for him to give me a gift because he genuinely wants to rather than forcing him into it. I dunno. :(

Fuck, I am such a girl.
