Merry Xmas Eve!

Xmas Gifts given:
*Pikachu Pillow to DHB
*IPod gift card for other friend (the one who might be transferring ;__;) + xmas card
*makeshift "gift certificate" for roommate (It says that, once next semester starts, I'll buy dinner for her one day. I think it's real cute. :P) + xmas card
*xmas cards for two other friends

I'll be getting a late gift to my sister... though I'm not sure what it'll be yet. :(

B-day gifts given last semester:
*pocket-sized book on Shakespearean insults + card to an upperclassmen friend
*dinner at a buffet + card for DHB
*scarf + card to another friend
*a card + IPod gift card to roommate
*A pet frog for another upperclassmen friend (my roommate bought the tank :3)

In summary, I've dropped a lot of money on these triphe bitches. :(

I forgot to mention this last post, but the build up to DHB giving me the blanket was quite entertaining. The best bits:

DHB: So why did you guys go to Polaris (shopping center in Columbus) all of a sudden?
Me: (My roommate) wanted to go Xmas shopping and I just decided to tag along.
DHB; Did you buy any xmas gifts?
Me: Not this time, since I didn't have a lot of money with me.
DHB : .....

DHB: When are you leaving again?
Me: Dec. 21st
DHB: Oh, right, on Monday. Just wondering... since I have your xmas present.
Me: Oop.
DHB: You're like, "Oop, I didn't get anything for you."
Me: Is that what you think?
DHB: .....

DHB: *while looking at his wrapped gifts* This one's for mom, this is for my sister, this one's for my brother, this one's for (his other friend).... but where's the one for Bell?
Me: ....what?
DHB: What? That just means I haven't gotten yours yet.
Me: ............................
Him: ...or have I?

He's very endearing with his fail mind games, haha. I recounted all this to my roommate the day after. She said, "He's a mess!"
