Adventures in Cooking: Attempt #6

This is so simple that it really doesn't even deserve to be put on here. But eh, I figure it wouldn't hurt!

Made a veeeeery simple fishball soup. All the ingredients were precooked, so I literally just had to heat everything up. ^^;

Used udon noodles just because. And the soup was made using vegetarian bouillon and just a hint of soy sauce and black pepper. If I'm not too lazy to go grocery shopping tomorrow, I should have a couple *much* more interesting things to post!

In other news, I started playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days today, which, surprisingly, is kicking my ass. It's been ok lately, but I died so often during the first few real missions that at one point, I literally gaped at my screen.

I didn't care about Roxas all that much in KH2, but I (again, surprisingly) find his story pretty compelling in this game. And if nothing else, I am certainly enjoying the exquisite gay that is Axel/Roxas. Seriously, even DHB is with me on this one and he is def. not a fangirl; the two of them are very intensely gay. More on this as I make my way through the game. :3
