School is kind of sucking at the moment. If my last post was any indication.
Four weeks to save my grade in PreCalc. It's like I have a talent for letting certain grades FREE FALL right when second semester hits. And I have this growing paranoia that Kenyon will drop my ass in a second if they see that I'm sucking at Math. Which was the subject I scored poorest on in all my standardized tests. (Aside from my writing scores, that is. Seriously, HOW BS IS THAT.) Gahhh, I'm Asian; I'm not supposed to be bad at Math! What is going on. I must be defective. T____T
I'm still feeling kind of sick, though I think it's lack of sleep more than anything. It isn't even all that bad (5 hours/night is probably about average for the more overworked people out there), but I think I'm just incapable of functioning when I've slept for less than six hours. I don't think I'd even be able to SURVIVE an all-nighter; I would probably randomly pass out on a sidewalk or something the day after.
Ugggh. Thankfully, THERE IS FANDOM. *hugs the Internet*
This has got to be fake, but I find it HIGHLY amusing: Jaejoong has a facebook. It was funnier yesterday, since there was this message on the profile that was written in Japanese and was pretty Jaejoong-esque and everything. Apparently, there's also a Korean one, although that one is even MORE obviously fake, since from what I heard, the Korean isn't fluent at all. xDDD
Though how I wish it were real! Then I would have an actual reason to create a facebook. And then I could creepily stalk his account like no other omg. And Jae would type his posts in broken English because he's hilarious and adorb. like that.
I love the boys. They're like... walking anti-depressants. ^-^;;
EDIT: So I guess you can see not only the Worlds that the people you're subscribed to create, but also the ones they're members of? In which case, sorry if all of you are flooded with DBSK crap from here on out. (Not that that's unusual for you guys, I'm sure. *cough*)