An interesting night.

I'm supposed to be working on a paper, but hell, I haven't really posted in a long time. So screw my paper! I'm writing this. :P

I got for-real drunk for the first time last night. It was... interesting. I learned that $10 vodka tastes like pure rubbing alcohol. I also learned that even if my mind isn't completely gone, that doesn't mean my stomach can quite handle it. But overall, I had fun. Even though it got super awkward at parts--like how my roommate was profusely drunken-making out with her boyfriend the whole night and esp. how, at several points, DHB was pretend-making out (but could easily be mistaken for actual-making out) with either me or one of our other friends. Yeah.

But on a less potentially uncomfortable note, my upperclassman friends are so sweet! They were so kind whilst my group was obnoxious and drunk and constantly occupying the bathroom of their apartment. And when my stomach began to feel unpleasant, they gave me an extra large tortilla chip bowl just in case. ^^;

And Kenyon's version of fling is this upcoming weekend, and they promised me they would make some actually good-tasting alcoholic drinks for our pre-fling party.

EDIT: Oh! And I played Kings for the first time, which was pretty fun, though I could never remember what card prompted what action.

Not horrible for my first real time, I think. Esp. since I was sober-seeming enough that my upperclassmen friends commented on how not-so-gone I seemed. (Even though my stomach kept saying something different.) Also, no hangover!

So yeah.

......anyone watch the Olympics? >_>;;
