I think

I need a long break from life. Thank goodness spring break is just around the corner; otherwise, I would've probably turned into a full-time recluse. Instead of being partially-reclusive, as I have been since Monday. Being away from people definitely has allowed me to put things into perspective, though. And I've realized a lot of the illogical assumptions I've been making about a lot of things.

I don't know. I guess there have been major advantages and major disadvantages to living a relatively isolated lifestyle as of late.

Advantages: I don't have to deal with things I don't want to deal with
Disadvantages: Except for when I do

Oh well. Hopefully at the end of this phase, I will finally be feeling better.

In much more awesome news, I've been approved by the school to go abroad all next year. Thank God; I definitely need it. :)
