See Katana for instructions. :P
A - ACen (still need to register!)
B - Billboard Hot 100
C - Chase bank :P
D - Dollmore
E - EJC, a journal database
F - Facebook
G - Gmail (one of the sites to pop up was gurochan >_>;;)
H - Hulu
I - IMDb
J - Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore (yes, I read the whole damn thing.)
K - KHInsider
L - LBIS (Kenyon's library website :P)
M - MyAnimeList Panel
N - nciku (an excellent Chinese-English online dictionary)
O - Rotten Tomatoes
P - Pokemon Indigo
Q - GameFaqs
R - Rate My Professors
S - Screw The Money, I Have Rules! (don't know why it's this one and not the more famous one, haha)
T - Tokyo Toshokan
U - Unmei Kaihen :P
V - facebook page of a friend w/middle name Vick
W - Watch Movies Online :P
X - Xam'd: Lost Memories MAL page
Y - Yelp
Z - Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou MAL page