yo yo yo HEY MAN

KENKA YOKUNAI NEEEE. I think this describes the show better than words ever could. And I now think that the best way to describe NicoNico MADs to the Unaware is, a cross between regular fan-made MVs and Youtube Poop. :)

I started browsing the Durarara!! kink meme on LJ, which has some of the most hilarious prompts I have ever seen. e.g. Izaya rapes everyone and then wonders why he has no friends. And also:

Prompt: Vending Machine/Shizuo. In that order.

Response: the vending machine fell on top of shizuo. the end.

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Shizuo might be able to throw vending machines at people, but Kida can SHOOT HEARTS OUT OF HIS EYES. FUK YEA
