HOLY SHIZZZZZZZZAAAZAFDGDFGD. I was all, "Bah, I'll just post later," but then I heard this, and I was like, "SCREW THAT, I'm posting NOW!!!!" This song is sooooo pretty. *~*
I'm glad that Avex is finally giving the boys Japanese songs that aren't just generic J-Pop, since IMO, that sort of music never really suited them anyway. And their Japanese is getting SUPER good. wtf I hate them. ♥
So yeah. About those girly mannerisms. Based on my observations (because of course, it's a very scientific process), I've begun to think that there are some quirks that are inherent and widespread amongst Asian girls. Or to widen the generalization, amongst Asian people in general, since the boys do them too. o_O;
The Evidence
- Item #1, covered laugh: Self-explanatory.
- Item #2, the squinty-eyed smile: Okay, so a lot of non-Asian people probably do this too, but I think it's especially noticeable with Asians because of eye shape. I mean, just look at Jae. That is just too cute. They even have a nickname: slits of mirth. :DDD
- Item #3, fists-to-chin (also demonstrated in above gif): This is something I only do to my mom, whenever I feel like being overly-cutesy. :DD
- Item #4, the cheek poke: I don't do this so much anymore, except to random friends and my little cousins, but when I was around freshman age, I used to poke people's cheeks all the time. And sometimes they'd be like, "...Why do you poke people all the time?" and give me the o_O face.
- Item #5, the angel pose: Sorry Junsu, but I must expose you. He totally stole this pose from me from when I was a child. Because I did this pose ALL THE TIME when I was a kid, especially to an older cousin of mine who got freaked out because I did it literally every time I saw her. So yeah. As long as Su admits that he copied, then the two of us are cool again. 8D
Also, just because Kimmeh started it: HERE'S A WONDERFULLY FUNNY PHOTO OF THREE OF THE DBSK BOYS. :D