Friggin Melted Popsicles!

My roommate's freezer isn't cold enough to store popsicles, apparently. My whole box of creamsicles melted! :(

Quick real-life stuff:
- I'm sooooo laaaze. It's a combination of not having as big of a workload as usual, not being terribly interested in any of my classes (lecture courses are not my thing, but I've had to take so many this year!), and abroad-itis. At this point, I'm too preoccupied with this upcoming summer and my junior year to care too much about what I'm doing right now. >_>;
- I haven't really been talking about real-life drama as of late and that's because, for the most part, there hasn't been any. My problems haven't completely gone away or anything, but somehow, I just... got over a lot of the things I was stressing out over. It's not like I don't care anymore. I've long since realized that I'll always care. But I was so insecure about my friendships, and was acting very desperately and irrationally because of it. And I now understand that I shouldn't be so insecure, since the people around me (who matter, at least) have honestly given me no reason to worry; it was my own jealousy and paranoia that was making me miserable.

So yeah. Here's to future adventures, I guess. :)
