Restricted Yaoi & Tshirt Travels

Life has been kinda weird lately. A good kind of weird.

Like how I spent hourrrsss talking to DHB last night, and a good chunk of the conversation revolved around yaoi. I don't know why. It just turned out that way. At one point, I talked to him about how the first volume of the Finder Series was restricted in Germany and read aloud a translation of an article about it:

"Depicted on page 24 is a tied up penis on that the gangster is performing oral sex" says Petra Meier in a calm manner and looks inquiringly at the lawyer. "Afterwards a film container is inserted into [his] anus." The lawyer hesitates. The drawings were "stylised", violent acts were not being depicted as sexually stimulating. [Meier] counters: "But the volume ends with the quotation 'It hurts really bad, so why do I enjoy it so much?'"

Him: Oh my god.
Him: That is terrible.

So yeah. Things have been pretty good on my end. My grades could be a little better, but eh. They're not terrible, so I should stop thinking that they are. And I haven't talked about him all year, but I loooove my mentor. I've been hanging out with him a lot recently, more than ever, and he makes everything fun and happy. <3333

This wonderful documentary was one the topics of greater consequence that DHB & I discussed last night. It first focuses on how donated clothing ends up being sold on the streets of Africa, and how this second-hand clothing business is more detrimental to African economies than it is helpful. It then broadens its focus to the detrimental effects of "aid" in general, as well as the failed policies implemented by the World Bank within poor African countries. It's a relatively quick, interesting look into the unintended consequences of actions taken by Western organizations with the intent of improving the state of African countries. Things such as "foreign aid" or "modernization plans" might look good on paper, but oftentimes, in practice it turns out to be a different story.

If you want the meat of the info quick and dirty, I recommend skipping to 28:25. :)
