Screw you too, Sony USA.

So there's a good chance I'll be pre-ordering Birth By Sleep's PSP bundle pack. The Japanese got their own cool-as-hell version of the PSP (above) when BBS was released there, and so I NATURALLY ASSUMED that we'd be getting the same version.

But then I learned that Americans don't do that. There's a pretty high chance that BBS will follow suit and that we're just going to get some boring plain silver PSP instead of one with crowns and hearts and all that other cool shit on it. I mean, seriously? Why the HELL can't they just give us an actual limited edition PSP?? Can't it at least have the Kingdom Hearts logo on it somewhere?? THEY COULD STICK SOME ART OF SEA SALT ICE CREAM ON THE BACK. I DON'T CARE! Hell, even a picture of Mickey Mouse giving me the finger will do! I'LL TAKE ANYTHING AT THIS POINT. JUST DON'T GIVE ME PLAIN SILVER, SONY! Or I swear I'll go terrorist on your asses.

Here's an exceedingly short trailer. Xehanort's voice is hilarious. xD
