Gantz is crazy.

CRAZY. If I could only say one thing about this manga, it would be that the plot twists are excellent. The build-up to each twist is always great and it never feels contrived. Almost everything that happens seems plausible within the world of the story. There is one plot device that is sort of a cop-out for the mangaka, but they hang a lampshade on it pretty early on and in a way that criticizes the use of it. So even that plot device doesn't feel overly-convenient anymore.

I also like how the plot actually gets places within a reasonable amount of time. The main reason why I could never watch the entirety of a magical girl anime is because of their stringently episodic structure; it just gets too repetitive. Though Gantz is obviously not shoujo, considering how the story is divided into missions, it could have easily ended up being just as repetitive. But the mangaka is constantly throwing new elements into the plot to keep things fresh and interesting. I never found myself thinking when am I going to get to the good part of the series? Because the good part started right from chapter one.

My biggest complaint is the mangaka's obsession with drawing nude women! I'm fairly desensitized at this point, but even I think it's excessive! It's not so much the nudity that occurs in-story that bugs me so much as it is the chapter cover illustrations, which maybe 80% of the time feature a nude woman in some ultra-sexual pose. There are times when I see one of these cover illustrations and it actually takes me out of the story because of how random and hentai-esque they are.

Boys. =__=;;

As a side note, if you haven't done so already, please click on Heiwajima Shizuko, the first and likely last adoptable I will ever adopt! Even if the site is broken, maybe the click will go through anyway. *adamant* >_>;;
