Off to Middlebury in two days.

I know that when Friday comes, I will be scared as hell. I was already freaking out when I woke up this morning. This is one of the last days of the summer that I'll be allowed to speak English. What the fuck. HOW WILL I LIVE.

I'm starting to have this irrational fear that I'll be ostracized because my tones aren't very good and I freeze up a lot when it comes to speaking in a foreign language. (I've had many awkward silent moments with my Chinese prof this past year. *facepalm*) Honestly, I'm not very good at Chinese in comparison to most of my classmates. I tried to reason with myself, "But Kenyon is more hardcore with languages than most other colleges! The other students might be even more handicapped."

But then I thought about the types of students I know who have been going to Middlebury the past couple summers... and they were all above-average Chinese students. The mediocre students (e.g. me) usually opted not to go to Middlebury because it's too intimidating. So then isn't it reasonable to assume that the type of kids who go to Middlebury are usually "above average" at Chinese AND NOT MEDIOCRE LIKE ME??? I know it's good to push myself and all that, but I think back to some of the horror stories my first-year Chinese TA told my group. Especially the one where he had to perform a skit with his classmates and the other people in his group wanted to wing it. But when the time came, he couldn't think of anything to say, so he ended up not saying anything.

THAT SOUNDS LIKE ME!!! I mean, yeah, he ended up being able to speak Chinese well by the end of it. And I'm probably more prepared than I think... But damn it. I hope the experience isn't as horrifying as it could be. :(((

This weekend, I'm going to try to find anime fansites in Mandarin. I can't live without the Internet for two months. If any of you guys know of any, comment please. >_>;;;

In better news, more evolutions!

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And several others. Look at Zack's doofy ass, lol. Nyanko-sensei evolved from his Lucky Cat figurine form into a very obese kitty. Natsume should force him to diet. And Izaya evolved from a... matchbook or something. Seriously, what was that thing? A piece of paper with information on it? lol

EDIT: One thing I forgot to add. A girl from Kenyon who I greatly dislike is going to Middlebury too. Though at least we won't be studying the same level of Chinese, so I might not see her all that often. I hope. What I find somewhat comforting is that this girl hardly studied Chinese this past year and was close to failing at one point... so if a girl like her can get through Middlebury, then so can I. Nevermind the fact that she has a slight advantage, since she is fluent in Cantonese and she says the words sound similar or something. :/
