
Of course, this was sent out right after I finished the homework for tomorrow, haha. I'm actually more disappointed about this than I am happy. I rather like my classes and I honestly have little motivation to do anything but bum around on the days that I don't have classes. ^^;;

And both of the activities I signed up for (Chinese cooking and Mahjong) are both on Thursday! Next week is our test week + long weekend, so it's possible I won't be having any activities next week either. We were supposed to make jiaozi. :(

EDIT: While I'm posting, I guess I should mention that I had my sort of 'progress report' meeting today. Mine just so happened to be with the head professor of my level, haha. She told me that my listening comprehension has improved a lot, but that I need to make more progress with speaking. And her primary suggestion was that I make more of an effort to talk during meals, haha. Because mealtimes are almost like teacher-student meetings. Definitely not free time! x_x
