Apparently, you can't use characters in the titles. :(

最近我很喜欢看super junior m的节目。 :)



我现在才发现了super junior m有一个新member,他是中国人,叫周觅(zhou mi)。他听起来好像会说韩语。他说了她觉得用手吃蟹太麻烦。(可是我可能听错了,lol。)我同意他的看法!小的时候,我让我外婆把蟹break open。(打开?掰? lol,我不知道。)

除了han geng和zhou mi和henry,他们一般都说了别的语言。我觉得henry说中文说得很不错!但是,哎呀。。。我很想han geng。他的‘跳舞的蟹’很可爱。^^;;

Rough trans: Lately, I've been watching a lot of Super Junior M's videos. The above vid is pretty interesting. They have a conversation while eating, except they're all randomly using Chinese, Korean, and Japanese at the same time! In one instance, Henry uses Chinese to explain how to say a simple Korean sentence and Siwon uses Korean to explain a Chinese phrase. Siwon was explaining how to say, '停一下' (ting yi xia) when someone (sounded like Ryeowook) shouted, "TING!" ...Except he used the wrong tone, LOL. The 'ting' he said means 'to listen,' but he meant to say 'to stop.' (Not that I can blame him, tones are hard!) ^^;

The language they were using was fairly simple, so I was able to understand a lot of it (except for the Korean). And I was able to read a lot of the Japanese text, since simplified characters and traditional are more similar than one would think...

Before watching this, I didn't realize SuJu M got a new Chinese member (Zhou Mi). Seems like he can speak Korean well, too. I think I heard him say, in Chinese, that eating crab is really a chore. (Though I could've heard wrong, lol.) I definitely agree! When I was small, I would ask my grandma to break open the crabs for me. ^^;

Other than Han Geng, Zhou Mi, and Henry, all the rest of them were speaking different languages. Henry's Chinese sounds really good! But man... I really miss Han Geng. Him and his dancing crab were real cute. ^^; [/trans]

Should be heading to bed now, since I DO have class tomorrow... but I think I'm going to post a somewhat-related wallpaper first, haha.

EDIT: I just realized that Han Geng's little haggling lesson is going to be very useful for me in Nanjing, lol. Those Chinese merchants aren't going to make a fool out of me!!
