I am the luckiest S.O.B. ever.

OMG. So I had my oral midterm today. They gave us two topics and told us that we had to choose one of these topics right before our oral, then deliver it to a couple of the professors. I prepared both topics, but I only really focused on one of them. I mean, they said that we would get to choose the topic we perform, so I thought that meant we only really needed to choose one...

But at the same time, I felt like something had to be wrong with my thinking. Why would the professors say to prepare both topics if we got to choose which topic to perform? It didn't make sense. BUT once I got to the exam site, I found out what they meant by 'choose our own topics.' The professors gave me two folded slips of paper and the paper I 'chose' would be my topic.

I seriously started FREAKING THE FUCK OUT omg. If I got the topic I didn't spend much time preparing, my brain would have just died on the spot. But thankfully, I chose the topic that I actually prepared. omg. Seriously, you don't know how badly I was freaking out on the inside when they told me to choose one of the slips of paper. It took me a couple minutes just to calm down, lol. Otherwise, I think the oral midterm went okay... it wasn't great or anything, but it turned out a lot better than it would have had I chosen the other topic! x___x

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These two finally leveled. <3
