Quick Updates

I think up all these things I could write, then when it comes time to actually write it all, I forget everything. xD

  • It's possible I might have some trouble obtaining my visa for China. I really, really hope this isn't the case. But for now, it's a wait-and-see thing. :(
  • Talking with professors is usually more interesting than nerve-wracking nowadays. Though it still depends on the professor. The head professor of my level is super intimidating, even though she's not particularly harsh or anything. She's just... intimidating. I'm still scared of talking with her. >_>;
  • Two years of learning Chinese and I'm only now starting to get this 'tonal language' thing, lol. Still a long way to go, but hey, at least I can actually distinguish tones by ear now. Seriously, I'm starting to think I may have been slightly tone deaf during freshman year.
  • I watched Inception last Friday! It was good. The last half hour was less good than the rest of the movie, but I'd say it's worth seeing for the premise alone.
  • Then last Sat, a few friends and I went to Burlington and watched Twilight, lol. I actually thought it was fun. The male characters are so pig-headed though, especially Jacob. What a patronizing love interest!

But this guy says everything that needs to be said:
