I hate dealing with STUPID ASSHOLES.

RRRRRGGHHH. Visa Complication Part 2:

Good News First: There's apparently a decent chance that I will eventually receive the important package that may or may not be lost in the mail. Assuming the latter, things will probably turn out all right.

Rant: The person who I have to deal with in order to sort this all out PISSES ME OFF. Seriously, a few emails was enough for me to determine that this person is both rude AND incompetent.

So the issue is that this woman sent out an email a few weeks back asking us to update them on where we want our visa information sent. I saw the email, but only read the first paragraph (which just said that they received the packages from China). The email header didn't say anything like "IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ" or anything like that, and since they already had our home and school addresses on file, I assumed that first paragraph was all I needed to read. I mean, they sent it in the middle of the week, when I'm bombarded with classes and schoolwork here at Midd, so I just sort of filter everything else out. ^^;;

BUT ENOUGH WITH MY EXCUSES. In any case, I fucked up and only ended up finding out that I needed to give them an address a few days later, which happened to be the day after the packages were already sent out. I was told that I did have a "Visa Info Address" on file, but that it was the PO Box number of my school address and the zip code of my home address... and nothing else. I still don't know how the hell that happened. This woman who is responsible for handling this stuff sent me an email admonishing me about messing up, but I DID mess up, so I couldn't complain. Since the Visa Address they had on file was wrong, I figured they OBVIOUSLY would have enough sense to send it to my home address. They explicitly told me they couldn't send the package to a PO Box number, which automatically rules out my school address as well as the obviously incorrect non-address they had on file for the visa info.

But over two weeks have passed, and my mom told me she still hasn't received my package. After several emails and calls, today I got this email:

Me: I updated my visa address with the correct address, but it was the day after the packages were already sent out. At the time the packages were sent out, all that was written in my visa address tab was my school PO Box number and a zip code.

Her: That doesn't do much good if you updated the address after the packages were sent out. Please follow directions next time. Your package will probably be returned to us.

I know the difference between my being sensitive and someone just being flat-out condescending. But the words "That doesn't do much good if you updated the address after the packages were sent out" are most DEFINITELY condescending. Well maybe you people SHOULD HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE AND NOT SEND PACKAGES TO AN INCORRECT ADDRESS. They explicitly told me that they KNEW the PO Box number was for Ohio and that the zip code was for Illinois. SO WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY USE IT???

Of course, my response was perfectly civil and all I said was that I wish to be informed when the package does arrive in their office because: "I just want to know as early as possible that the package isn't permanently lost in the mail SINCE YOU STUPID BITCHES SENT IT TO AN ADDRESS YOU KNEW WAS WRONG WHEN YOU ALREADY HAD MY HOME ADDRESS ON FILE."

Seriously, who the FUCK would send out a package using only a PO Box # and a zip code, especially when YOU ALREADY HAVE A WAY MORE RELIABLE ADDRESS ON FILE. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT?? Yeah, I definitely made a mistake by not updating my shit on time, BUT HAVE SOME FUCKING SENSE, PEOPLE.
