Only one week of testing left, though I'm honestly not worried about it. In exactly one week, I'll already be heading back home. <3

As I noted last post, last Saturday was the Chinese school's Talent Show, and it was genuinely impressive. I did a search on youtube just now and found one of the music videos that was made for the show!

This was made by the fourth-year students, who are at the highest level. The song is about how to become cool like them. :P

In the beginning, they're saying:

"We're in the house!"
"Listen up!"
"Listen to your mother."
*"We're not Jay Chou!"
"I know... so what should we say?"
"We could tell our own story."
"Sounds good."
"Can I start?"
"Let me think... let's START."

*One of Jay Chou's songs is called "Listen to Your Mother."

Then the song is about how cool and handsome they are, haha. At one part, they talk about how they were stupid and useless when first arriving, and that they spent too much time studying. Then realized that they "only have one short life to live" and so in order to be cool, they had to change everything about themselves. One of the lines in the last chorus goes: "We're just too cool | You can't handle our superiority" xDDD

So yes, it was a fun night. And I only have one week left hereeeeee. Even though I do want to go back home, I definitely know that once I do leave, I will remember this place fondly. <3

EDIT: Forgot to add that the guys who made the video did a Google translation of their song. My fav part:

I can not relax just begun, I particularly stupid and useless
Woman said: You both hot-tempered and warlike, how can I go to bed with?
