A1la1ding1. :P

So instead of reviewing for my final exams, I've been watching this clip of a Chinese fandub of Aladdin over and over and over again. It's so high quality! And the voices are really pleasing to listen to, esp. Aladdin's. I even looked up the guy who voices him and apparently he's an internet celebrity who's well known for his singing. ^^;;

It's basically the same as everything said in the English version. Though there's one thing that I think is actually better here than in the English version. At one point, Genie tells Aladdin to compliment Jasmine and then lists a bunch of things he could say. In English, Aladdin ends up saying, "Punctual." But then corrects himself and says, "Beautiful." But in Chinese, he first says, "清洁 (qingjie)," which means 'clean.' He then says the similar sounding, "纯洁 (chunjie)," which means pure/innocent. :)

The conversation bits I could understand with the help of my trusty online dictionary, but the song lyrics are waaay beyond me. Though I can tell that this fandub used different lyrics from the official Chinese version of the song and that these lyrics are closer to the English version. One part of the song that I also like better in Chinese: in English, Aladdin says, "Over, sideways, and under on this magic carpet ride," but in Chinese he says, "Over, sideways, and under; I will fly you to the ends of the Earth." (It sounds better in Chinese: over = shangbian, sideways = pangbian, under = xiabian, ends of the Earth = tianbian.)

Actually, I've been watching a lot of Disney movies in Chinese lately. So far, I've watched Tarzan, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid. I'm now scared of adding Aladdin to the list because I've grown accustomed to these fandub voices. ^^;;
