I just heard Miyano Mamoru say, "Sonuvabitch."


Anyway. I'm going to finally talk about my internship now, lol. My boss is actually an alum of my college and he's now managing the launch of this new website called mashplant.com. Basically, I've been tasked with recruiting new members for the site and semi-managing their Twitter account, the latter of which is actually REALLY TIME-CONSUMING and requires HOURS of online research. Twitter is serious shit, you guys, for real.

In regards to recruiting members, for one of the sites where I poach members, I have to pretend to be underage in order to comment on the other kids' videos. The most hilarious thing my boss told me when giving me feedback was, "Telling kids that they're 'gonna be stars someday' when they can't actually sing? You can't do that." So I hope it warms all of your hearts to know that, somewhere out there in the bowels of the Internet, there's an eleven-year old Bell running around, soliciting third-party goods to unsuspecting tweens. :P

In other news:

1) I WATCHED THE LAST HARRY POTTER. I almost cried in the theater like an ass! And I still think Fred dying is the saddest thing to happen in the entire series. I DON'T KNOW WHY. I wasn't even that big a fan of him, lol.

2) Yesterday was Nelson Mandela's birthday! Didn't get to post about it yesterday, since I passed out around 8PM. I read a really interesting interview with Desmond Tutu. This excerpt in particular sums up a lot of what I learned last semester:

I got on a plane in Lagos. Both pilots were black, something I'd never come across in South Africa. I grew inches in my excitement! We took off, but then we hit turbulence. The first thought that occurred to me was, "oh dear, there's no white person in the cockpit! Will these black guys be able to get us through this?" The awfulness of racial oppression is so bad that it can make a child of God doubt that they're a child of God. And you project your self-hatred on others who look like you. We need to recover our sense of self-worth.

When we had the Truth and Reconciliation Commission [which Tutu chaired] we heard from perpetrators. They'd tell us how they shot people, and sometimes they burnt the corpses. Burning a corpse takes seven hours, so they told us they had a barbeque while waiting. What has happened to the human race when they can burn two kinds of flesh? So, there's no question that a long period oppression has damaged all of us, both black and white. We've not yet fully recovered our humanity.
