Interesting thing I learned today:

When recovering from crying, intense physical activity ceases to be tiring. SRSLY.

Most of the Kenyon campus rests on a gargantuan hill, the length of which us students are forced to climb up and down to reach the cafeteria. The shortest path is also the steepest, and it just so happens to be the one we climb when heading to class, since the end of that path is closest to the building where our classes are held. Usually, even really fit I-exercise-every-single-day types (much less lil 'ol me) still get tired when climbing the hill because it is just that steep.

So this morning, the dorm drama mentioned a couple posts back culminated to a couple of the dormites getting pretty pissed off with me. I an really fond of one of these two people, and he ended up making a joke (which I still think he at least partially meant) about not being able to trust me anymore. Which of course led to me crying at the foot of the hill and him being all OH FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN IT the whole time. (It was actually somewhat comical, since I never cry in front of friends, so I was doing the whole super stereotypical Asian girl thing and kept apologizing every few seconds, which eventually led him to say, "What are you apologizing for? You're the one crying!")

There were four other people there at the time, who were already halfway up the hill by the time I was coherent enough to look up and spot them. And then I realized that the two of us only had six minutes to get to class and I thought EFF THIS I'M NOT GOING TO BE LATE B/C OF MY EMO SHIT. So the two of us started climbing up the hill. At this point, I was at the hiccuping stage, and halfway up the hill, I realized that I didn't feel tired at all. I wasn't breathing hard and my legs didn't even feel strained. When I was at the crest of the hill, I still felt just as not-tired as I had at the foot of it. IT WAS AMAZING. Almost makes me wish that I could force myself to cry every time I have to climb up that monster.

But yeah... no need to be alarmed. The two of us are cool now, and we even sat together at the back of a very cramped car and laughed at our RA on the other side of me, who was dancing (read: humping the pillow on his lap) to the music on the radio. :D

And I'm actually (already?) heading back home this friday. Not sure how I feel about that... I think I'm more sad about leaving than happy. Which is weird because it's freaking school and I'm going to be back in less than a month, but this is pretty much the most exciting my life has ever been. I'm going to miss it, however briefly I'll be away. :(
