Currently Watching

The quick version:

Currently Airing
Sword Art Online
Kuroko no Basket
Natsuyuki Rendezvous

Old-as-hell Anime
Legend of the Galactic Heroes


Some of my impressions so far:

-Sword Art Online looks promising, but I'm withholding judgment for now. The source material seems pretty well-regarded though, so I'm optimistic.
-I love Kuroko no Basket. It's SUPERPOWER BASKETBALL and there's fujoshi fanservice everywhere, but the show never fails to keep me entertained each week. Also, Kuroko is adorable. <3

And oh man, I forgot so much of Monster's plot. Actually, I get the feeling that I might not have even fully understood the plot when I watched Monster the first time! It does get confusing to keep track of who is connected to whom and how so-and-so got involved in the story in the first place. Whew. But precisely because I forgot so much, I sometimes feel like I'm watching and enjoying the series for the first time. ^^;;

As for LoGH, I'm currently at the start of the 4th season, but I'm taking a break from it before I finally dive into the ending stretch. This is actually the second time I've tried watching it. The first time, I only made it up to ep 5 or 6. I think back then I just didn't know what to expect, and so the endless talking and political theorizing totally caught me off-guard. This time around, I'm enjoying it so much that I'm honestly a little worried about how most other anime will compare once I'm finished with LoGH.

Will talk about it more in the future, since lord knows LoGH deserves its own post. I'll now leave you all with Reinhard showing inferior tsunderes how it's done:
