Monster TV show AND swimming anime??

Is this real life????

Okay, so I'm taking the news about Monster with a grain of salt because who knows if a project of that scale is ever really going to get off the ground. But damn do I hope it really happens! Even though it all sounds too good to be true. An HBO live action adaptation of my favorite anime directed by the guy who made one of my favorite movies?? Who would be a good fit to play Johan? And if Tenma is actually played by an Asian actor, I will cry tears of joy.

Also, this weekend was a good time to be a fujoshi. DRAMAtical Murder Eng patch was released, Eva 3.0: The Return of Kawoshin is out w/ English subs, and of course, swimming anime got greenlit. I have the feeling that it's probably going to be pretty shitty and thrown together in terms of story, but honestly? Cute swimming boys doing cute things is fine by me at this point. >_>;

And I honestly think this is quite encouraging because if anything, stuff like this proves that the anime industry is willing to acknowledge the female fanbase in a way that other "geek" industries generally do not. (i.e. the Western video game industry)

On that note, /a/'s reaction to swimming anime, set to the OP theme of Shingeki no Kyojin. :P (Warning for language. It's 4chan, you know what to expect.)
