So as of 1:30PM this afternoon, three professors (including one of the English professors I had over the summer, who I still love despite all the grade drama), one of the admissions faculty, and one of the student affairs faculty (a woman who sort of acts as the Kenyon Mom for us kids in the summer program) all know of the situation between me and Dorm Hall Boy.

Actually, to be more accurate, Kenyon Mom somehow already knew of the situation despite my never formally introducing him to her. WTFWTFWTF. I mean, I could understand how my English prof & the admissions guy knew since they've both seen me walk with him to the dining hall on different occasions, but I could swear that Kenyon Mom has never seen the two of us together. (Or if she has, I sure as hell didn't see her.) And she even said that the two of us "hang out with each other a lot," and I was like HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THAT.

And it was even more embarrassing because my old roommate & Eccentric NYer were present at the time, and the former already knows in-depth about how badly I'm crushing right now and she just had this awkward AHAHA I KNOW WHO THIS GUY IS smile on her face the whole time. And Eccentric Nyer apparently had his suspicions (unbeknownst to me!) since he said, "See, I was being nice; I wasn't saying anything," and I was like, "WHAT."

And then later on, NYer was talking about doing his laundry with a friend, and I said, "Everyone needs a laundry buddy here. I'm doing laundry with a friend later today too!" And then NYer said, "Yeah, your laundry friend, Mr How-you-doin." GAH.

And then when my English prof left, she teased that she didn't want to hear about me "getting into any kind of mantrouble." MANTROUBLE. And I just KNOW that if any of the adults in that group come upon the two of us walking with each other again, they'll act in that same "ohohoho they grow up so fast" kind of way that relatives do when they meet your boyfriend for the first time. You know. That way.



.............................but you know. I really like him. ;_________________;

He compliments me everyday and he's so funny and sweet and last night he told a bunch of us a story about how he got bitten by a monkey in China when he was a kid and I thought it was the funniest and cutest thing ever. I mean, god, he's the one who said that seeing me made him "really happy" after only knowing me for less than a week. I'm pretty... guarded, so I feel like it's pretty dumb for me to be so invested in someone (AFTER ONLY KNOWING HIM FOR TWO WEEKS WTFFFFFFF) when my feelings could very well be unrequited, but I don't know. And it's weird because, as I was telling my old roommate, I don't feel weird & jittery whenever I'm around him, which is how it normally is when I like someone even a little bit. When I talk to him, I feel completely comfortable & happy, as if that's the way things are supposed to be; it's whenever I'm away from him that I feel anxious. Sometimes I think it'd even be okay if we never become anything more than friends because I'm happy just being around him. I don't know. ;_________;

But yeah. On a lighter note I suppose: as I've said in the past, I'm not a party person though I sort of wish I had gone to the highlighter party last friday. It was a black light party where people wear light-colored shirts and write things on each other with highlighters like penis drawings. I had an interesting night on friday even without going to the party, though, so I guess I still kind of lucked out. Though New Yorker Girl & some of the others from the summer group are pretty much dragging me to a party next weekend since I haven't been to one yet, so I'm just hoping it's like the highlighter party and not one of the failparties I've heard about on campus. >_>;

And I'm really liking my two China classes. That country has one crazy ass history. :D :D

OH, and I saw Tropic Thunder last friday and it was really funny. Okay, I'm going to do my homework now. xDD
