Conversation between Dorm Hall Boy & I

We were at the dining hall when he asked me, "Have you ever done that thing where you're staring at someone then both of you look away at the same time. And then when you turn to look at the other person again, they also turn to look at you at the same time?!"

"Umm maybe? It probably has, but I just don't remember..." And then I looked away to take a sip of my drink.

And when I looked up at him again, he was staring straight into my eyes. And my brain was like, "....Is he trying to pull this staring/looking away thing right now?" and "OH FUCK THIS IS AWKWARD WILL MY EYES REVEAL THE DEPTHS OF MY FEELINGS???" at the same time. And I tried to be like, "WHAT" but it came out as this weird gurgling "whagggghht" sound because I was still drinking my soda. And then I half-choked on it.

