Quick updates

Procrastinating studying for Econ, haha.

  • Decided to do Econ Pass/Fail since I heard that the tests are hard and I'm only taking the class to fulfill my math requirement anyway.
  • I really like Chinese, BUT I SUCK AT TONES. I can never remember them without just flat-out memorizing the pronun. of every single word. ://
  • Started my stained glass class @ the Craft Center yesterday, and I kind of suck at cutting the glass. I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO CUT THEMSELF. DD:
  • Noticed that I tend to volunteer a lot for my PSCI & INST classes, but not at all for Chinese or Econ. It's just one of those things where I'm way more comfortable/confident in some subjects and less so in others. And Dorm Hall Boy is the same way with Bio, and before heading out to his Bio Lab today, he was all like, "Today I'm going to be loud and assertive!" GAH SO ADORB.
  • I might be going to Wal-Mart with him tomorrow. And from the looks of things, it might be just the two of us. :D?

Old as hell, but:

