Spent another night staying up till the wee hours with DHB...

Talking, of course. What else would we be doing?

Me: ...So the bus driver snapped at me and yelled, "You people from the North are so damn slow!" Though I could tell that she regretted it immediately afterwards.
Him: ...Because you cried?
Me: Noo~~ I didn't cry! ._.
Him: xD Ok, then what?
Me: I think she just felt bad for yelling at me because I'm so... not mean-looking.
Him: You mean because you're just sooo precious.
Me: But I am!

We also spent a combined $8 on vending machine food & went on an epic 1AM search for a working soda machine on campus. And completely unrelated, but I am totally loving on Mirotic. My album arrives in two-ish weeks! I got the photobook version and I bought it with my own credit card. *o*~

EDIT: And by credit, I mean debit. LOL as if I have an income.
