My Friday Night.

oh my god.

Okay. So it started with my eating dinner with DHB, DHB's friend, Eccentric NYer, and another guy from my dorm. And the rest of them were all like, "Let's go out tonight!" And I was all, "Blaaaaaaaghrha" b/c I only got two of hours of sleep the previous night b/c of talking to DHB & doing last-minute work, and hadn't even taken a nap all day. But I decided to tag along with them to the glow party, which was a total bust, so we just went to the bookstore and then back to Eccentric NYer's room.

And in the midst of all this, Eccentric NYer was giving out hugs to everyone, and we found out that DHB isn't very prone to hug-giving. So Eccentric NYer was all, "GROUP HUG!" And DHB's friend immediately hugged him too and I just... stood there with my brain going ohshit & is it obvious that I like him since I'm the only one not hugging him?? (It probably was.) And finally Eccentric NYer was like GET IN HERE DAMN YOU and I joined the hug and it was awkward. ._.;

So then back at NYer's room, he put on his iPod and danced around his room for us for awhile, and eventually I decided to go to sleep. And apparently, DHB went to sleep soon after me. I kept waking up to hear snippets of NYer & DHB's friend's convo, and at one point:

DHBF: What if we just left the two of them locked in here and went to the party?
NYer: They would probably make babies.

And DHBF burst into laughter (I had the feeling that she's been wondering about the two of us too...) and I just wanted to jump up and strangle NYer on the spot, except YET AGAIN, I was pretending to be sleeping.

So DHB & I were woken up eventually and the other two dragged us back to our dorm. DHBF & I decided not to go partying anymore, but the other two still wanted to. So the three of us and a few others who wandered in just hung around my room for an hour or so, and then right before NYer and DHB were planning to leave, the three of us happened upon a discreet closet-looking space behind a narrow door in the middle of our hallway.

Now this is where things get all effed up. B/c NYer was like, "I wonder if people have sex in here? Will two people even fit?" So NYer walked into the small space and they forced me to go in there with him. And then NYer was like, "omg there's room for three!" So DHB squished himself in and shut the door.

So the three of us were cramped up in there in the dark with DHB pretty much pressed up all against my side. And I was like THIS WAS SUCH A DUMBASS MISTAKE. Especially when NYer said, "This is actually kind of erotic," and then the two of them completely lost it and started making sexual grunting noises with me just lol'ing like an idiot while sandwiched between the two of them. And then they tried to dance in there, which basically furthered the whole squishing up against each other aspect.

Then we heard some people from our hall hang around talking outside the door INCLUDING OUR HALL RA, and DHB was like, "If he finds us here, he'll think we're drunk!" so we decided to be real silent.

And then the hall got quiet again and the three of us started talking about Matilda for some reason. And all the while, DHB would put his hand or arm on my shoulder prob b/c of the lack of space. And sometimes we would feel out for each other since we couldn't see, and at one point DHB (...or was it NYer?) was basically stroking my arm. Either way IT WAS ALL FUCKED UP.

So then we eventually busted out of the room and the two of them left for the party. Moral of the Story: NYer is a conniving bitch. I bet he planned all this!!!!
