I think my guyfriends (namely Snarky Baltimore Boy & Brazilian Facebook Hubby) don't approve of DHB. Not surprising since I'm like their surrogate little sister who they love to tease. Except that simile doesn't quite work since they have no qualms pretend-flirting with me, but hey. Small details. I'm seriously kind of worried about this, though, because they seem legitimately weirded out by the idea of some guy they don't really know basically courting me (if I may be so optimistic...) and practically do the awkward turtle every time DHB jumps in conversations to talk to me. And I really would like for all of them to get along, so... :(
Though on the brighter side, I befriended an Adorable Girl From Bhutan today WHO KNOWS THE BOYS AND EVEN LIKES ONE OF THEIR SONGS. Now I don't even much mind the fact that DHB & his friends went back to Toledo for the weekend, since Bhutan girl & I are going to be hanging out tomorrow and doing Ceramic-y things. :DD
And she said something really sweet today when I mentioned to her about how people have the tendency to shut people out once they've formed an established "group" of friends, and she let slip, "I know what you mean! But you know, with you it's different..." And I was like ;_____________;!!
Gahh, I just love how supportive all my friends here are. Seriously, people in high school never complimented me this much LOL. I guess in h.s. I just felt like an average everyday person, but for some reason around here, I feel a lot more... special, I guess. It's awesome, especially since I've managed to keep this up all while dodging parties & alcohol. :)