Election Day at Kenyon

"Obama won Ohio! Let's get drunk at the pub!"
--my dorm hall

DHB: Yeah, I guess I'm happy he won, but I'm not crazy over it like some people who are like OH GOD YES GOLD WILL RAIN FROM THE SKY. There was this one girl who burst into my room and was like HE WON OHIO OMG BUT WHAT IF HE DOESN'T WIN PENNSYLVANIA OMG OMG while clawing at her face, and I was just like, "....get out."

-between Male Chicagoan & Brazilian hubby-
"He probably won't even survive until Inauguration. I bet some insane hillbilly will shoot him in the face before then."
"You are so ignorant. What kind of American are you to say that? Go back to Brazil."
"Maybe I will now that Obama's president."
"Fine, go back to your broke ass country. Ghetto poverty slummy Brazil. I've seen City of God! I know what it's like!"




I love my friends. xD
