A Day In College

Today was one of those days that you expected to be normal until you look back and realize you were BUSY AS HELL.

8:55 - wake up
9:10 - run off to class all gross and unshowered
10:00 - late breakfast w/friends
11:00 - head back to dorm and shower (EDIT: forgot to mention that I also found out at this time that I had locked out my prospective student and apologized profusely upon returning)
11:30 - expect to study Chinese, but have expectations dashed when DHB reminds you that the two of you planned to go to the bank before class today
12:10 - chinese class
1:00 - lunch with DHB
2:00 - short meeting with professor
2:30 - head back to dorm to do last minute econ reading
3:10 - econ class
4:00 - head to library with bhutan girl
4:30 - watch documentary about china's reforms for two and a half hours (this was actually really interesting)
7:00 - eat dinner w/friends

(dinner quote about Oberlin: "95% hippies! They have the top weed program!")

7:30 - somehow get dragged into going to a Black Student Union meeting by Eccentric NYer and other crazy upperclassmen (discussion about Obama, also very interesting!)
8:30 - head back to dorm, become convinced to go to one of said crazy upperclassmen's dorm room to study (and this upperclassmen just so happens to be the roommate of my mentor)
9:00 - try to study, but end up getting practically nothing done b/c of mentor saying things such as, "What would you do if you found out that your mentor does ecstasy? HOW WOULD YOUR VIEW ON LIFE CHANGE??" and "My roommate abuses me. I guess that's the price I pay for being SO POPULARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR."
11:00 - go to study room and try to get work done
12:00 - give up, go back to dorm and type this up before sleeping




