Crazy ass gay friends.

It's confirmed. My mentor is 100% gay. xD

Mentor: *tries to call Eccentric NYer*
Me: Are you calling my Josh or a different Josh?
Mentor: He's my boyfriend. :D
Me: ......
Mentor: What, he didn't tell you?
Me: .....Wait, we're talking about MY Josh or someone else?
Mentor: Your Josh. The one you were just sitting next to.
Me: ....You're kidding.
Mentor: We hooked up over break. He didn't tell you?
Me: Are you joking? Because sometimes you joke.
Mentor: I'm not! I can't believe he didn't tell you! Don't you two talk all the time?
Me: Yeah, but only a few times since I got back... are you being serious?
Mentor: Yes! God, now I'm really pissed off. I can't believe he didn't tell you.
Mentor's friend: *butts in* He's a liar, don't believe him.
Me: Wait, I'm really confuuused! Is he lying or not?
Mentor's friend: He's lying. Don't worry, I had to deal with him all throughout my freshman year. Now I can tell the difference.

-in my Mentor's car later-

Mentor: I really can't believe he didn't tell you!
Me: Uuuh-huh.
Mentor: What kind of person is he, to not tell his good friends about us? It's over! That bitch!
Me: .....
Mentor: ....
Mentor's friend: ....
Mentor: We even had phone sex!

-two days later-

Eccentric NYer: I was talking to my roommate about how horny I've been lately, you know, since I know he likes me, and he randomly asked me, "Who was that cute Latino boy you were talking to today?"
Eccentric NYer: Yeah! And I told him, "First of all, he's not Latino. And second of all, it's interesting you bring him up, since he's my new boyfriend. He IS cute isn't he? And you're never gonna have him!"

I <3 my gay guys.

I <3 DHB too BTW. IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW ALREADY. I randomly bought a magic doodle eraserboard thing at Wal-Mart a few days ago, and when DHB first fiddled with it, I turned away and when I looked back, suddenly it was hanging from my doorknob with the word "chink" written on it. So ever since then, we've been real ninja and have been hanging the doodle board on each other's doorknobs with insults/derogatory racial remarks written on them. :D

And for some reason, the two of us make lots of racist jokes (ex. DHB's friend: "For lunch, they served us chili, and for dinner now there's gumbo? What the heck?" Me: "Yeah, it's like they think we're black!"), so we both find this hilarious:
