I IMPULSIVELY USED MY DEBIT CARD TO BUY THE DONG BANG DESK CALENDAR B/C IT WAS TOO PRETTY TO RESIST. And I've seriously spent hundreds and hundreds of $$ since the start of the school on I don't even know what! I'm a piggy who can't control her consumption level and will probably go into debt one day! LIKE EVERY OTHER AMERICAN. OH GOD. IT'S ALL SO SRS.

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I texted DHB after I ordered it and he was like, "...why? It'll be useless in a year YOU RETARD" and I was like, "USELESS LIKE UR FACE GTFO But it's pretty! What does practicality have in the face of prettiness?"

HE JUDGES ME. ;_________;

Oh. And I had dinner with my Econ professor last night with a couple classmates (also Asian girls, Avril included!) and she asked lots of questions about being minorities at Kenyon. xDDDD
