Is this really normal?

Me: Everyone thinks DHB & I are dating.
Old Roomie: Just ignore them.
Me: I know I should, but... well, I guess it doesn't help much that the two of us have been... touching each other a lot lately.
Her: Then just stop.
Me: What do you mean just stop?
Her: Well it doesn't help your case if you two keep being touchy-feely.
Me: Well yeah, but I can't just stop. I don't think it means anything. We're just really close now... Screw it. You're right, I should just ignore everyone's comments.
Her: As long as you aren't doing a lot of couple-y things like hold hands then I guess it's not even that suspicious anyway. Cause when I see people holding hands in public, then that's like a for-sure sign that they're dating for me, but if you're just hugging and stuff, then you can easily say you're just good friends.
Me: .........
Her: ........
Me: We haven't done it in public, but sometimes he does hold my hand in private.
Her: ..........

Lately I've been wondering again just what the fuck the two of us are. Is it normal for friends to be that close to each other and still really be just friends? Pathetic question, but I've never ever been this close to a person before, so I really don't know what to make of us sometimes. The sillier part of me thinks that we've pretty much turned into YunJae.

We were out until almost 6AM last night, and I saw him tipsy for the first time. Basically he just talks 2x more. Seriously, he's like a bullet train of the mouth. And he was a lot less reserved in touching me (as in leaning against my shoulder, playing with my hands, etc.) in front of people, including in front of my mentor, who kept making "you loooove him" comments henceforth.

But yeah. It was a really fun night even though I felt kind of awkward regarding some DHB stuff and being the only one who didn't drink in a room full of tipsy classmates. ^^;;

DHB: I feel like licking the snow on the ground.
Me: .....That's nice.
DHB: Let's do it!
Me: Are you crazy??
Him: Why not? Let's just do it. *kneels on the ground*
Me: omg this is so stupid. *kneels* Ack, the snow is soaking into my jeans! Let's just get this over with.
Him: Let's do it on three. 1....2.....3!
Me: *licks the ground*
Me: I HATE YOU I HATE YOU *beats him up*

We're also planning on maybe sort of kind of heading out to New York and possibly living with Eccentric NYer for a few days during spring break for a Britney Spears concert. (FEEL FREE TO JUDGE, BITCHES.) I called my sister and mentioned it to her and she was like, "So you don't know how you'll get there, aren't sure where you're staying, and will be alone with two guys the whole time? Yeah, I don't think that'll work."

