Belated xmas shopping & new hairstyle?!?

1.) The good thing about buying gifts for college friends is that you can buy them post-xmas when there are all the sales! FUFUFUFU.

Though this was my first time xmas shopping for real (as in, for more than just a couple people & using money I somehow obtained rather than having my parents pay for everything). And even though I usually like giving presents as much as receiving... I spent so much money! Eff my friends, I could've spent that on clothes. It's not like I have an income!! ;_________________;

2.) I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow! And I'm really sick and tired of going to local places with specific requests and coming out disappointed, so this time I did my research! I searched for cheap, but good hair salons, and this one in Bucktown came out the winner. Hey, even if the cut doesn't turn out right, at least they'll give me free candy. And beer! :3

I want the back layering of the first pic, front layering of the second, and the bangs of the third.

So yeah. I'm going to go spend the next few hours beading a bracelet as another xmas gift to a friend kbai. ._.;
