:( & Drunks

  • Love my Japan seminar. LoveloveLOVE. I learned so much new stuff from the first reading alone (which was an entire book, but still--SO much new stuff). More on this when I have the time to write about it. (And who knows when that will be; SEE NOTE BELOW)
  • But on the downside, I AM SO FLIPPING TIRED WHAT THE FUCK. I have NEVER had to do so much reading in my entire fucking life and I have NO idea how the hell to divide my work so that I can get decent sleep per day and still get my work done well and I know that this is college and I should expect it and blahblahblahresponsibilityblahblahhardworkblah. BUT I WILL WHINE ABOUT IT ON HERE AS MUCH AS I GODDAMN WANT TO. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.
  • It's not even the utter lack of free time that I'm freaking out over so much as it is the whole LACK OF SLEEP thing. I fell asleep at fucking 6AM last "night" and had to wake up for a 9:40 class all to read a FUCKING BOOK THAT ENDED UP BEING DUE ON THURSDAY INSTEAD OF TODAY FUCK. And I just got out of my seminar and I'm tired already and I KNOW I have to stay up and do a ton of work tonight again. Energy drinks seem to help only minimally and after a certain point, my brain just shuts down and takes a reallllly long time to process reading and sometimes I can't even see the text straight anymore. DHB usually stays up with me, which is nice, but he can handle sleep deprivation a lot better than I can. I'm essentially still adjusted to my 7hrs/day sleep routine from high school; this is just way, way too difficult for me at the moment. :(

Things are going well overall; I mean, I still occasionally do the whole self-insulting GOD I AM SO LAME IN COMPARISON TO EVERYONE ELSE thing, but I'm generally a very happy person. And it seems natural for college students to be stressed out all the time anyway, but God. :((

Random college-y observation: One thing I've noticed about some people (not all, but SOME) who drink and smoke pot way more than can possibly be healthy are horribly dull people when sober/not high. Case in point, a boy from the other side of my hall who DHB & I dubbed "Weed Boy," who says hardly anything typically, but a few nights ago, chatted the two of us up about the carbon cycle and growing marijuana in the atmosphere, then attempted to draw a marijuana leaf on the wall next to my door. DHB had to wrestle the marker out of his hand and then stated, with a completely straight face, "You seem to be a little high."

Which makes me wonder if the entire male 30-something salaryman population of Japan is horribly dull when sober too. :(
