Friday & Polaris

It's always weird at first whenever DHB goes back home on weekend because I always find myself just being like, "...Well now what do I do?" Last weekend was horrid because it was the first time in a long time that I had a DHB-less weekend and ended up spending my Saturday not doing much of anything and being the most lethargic I've been in a really long time. But this weekend was much better!

  • Mostly wandered around and did things solo on Friday night: took the shuttle into town and ate decent Chinese, went to a recital, saw a comedian.
  • ...And then when I got back to my room, I accidentally walked in on my roommate making out with her boyfriend on her bed. Apparently I had missed the facebook message she sent me about needing the room that night. Whoops. >_>;;
  • Called a friend from home who I've been neglecting since the start of semester and had a fabulous three-hour long conversation! (Mostly just to avoid going back to my room for a while, hah.)
  • Yesterday night, went to a shopping area in Columbus called Polaris with my mentor, his friend, and my old roomie.
  • Ate shrimp tempura at the food court, and the Asian cashier was particularly interested in my mentor and I because we were clearly ethnic... which still kind of weirds me out. This wasn't the first time it's happened here, but Asians in Chicago typically don't give a shit which country I come from, esp. since I don't look mixed and am almost always mistaken for being 100% northeast Asian. And it got kind of weird when my mentor said that he comes from Pittsburgh, and she asked, "Which country is that in?" >_>;;
  • Bought a shirt/really short dress and two thin sweaters for under $50! :)
  • And I still prefer shopping alone than with people, which seems to be the opposite case for everyone else. I just feel like I don't need other people's opinions when it comes to shopping. I know what I like and that's what matters! For example, when I dropped by Claire's with my mentor and his friend, they kept pointing out how ugly most of the stuff in there was. I agreed with most of what they said, but I was scared that I would point out something I like and they would think it's horrid or overpriced and convince me not to buy it. :/
  • But the best part was that I finally managed to watch Coraline! There was a bit of drama at first because we had missed a lot of the last showings for that day of the nearby theatres, and I could tell that my mentor didn't want to drive ten miles to the theatre showing it at 10:30PM. But we couldn't find anything else to do, so he did eventually, though all throughout the walk to AMC, he kept teasing me about being a bother. >_>;;
  • Coraline was amazing! It started out a little weird, though it's the type of movie that gets much better after its opening scenes. And the animation is gorgeous throughout!