
It seems that I skipped over that "important post" I mentioned last entry and headed straight for the soapbox instead. I really, really do not want to get into details at the moment... but I'll just say that last week, I suddenly found myself in a very big, very deep hole of my own idiotic doing. The depth of my situation only fully occurred to me today, and I'm just not sure if I can get myself out of this mess anymore.

Though honestly, what I'm going through might not be as hopeless as I'm making it out to be, but that's certainly how it feels at the moment.

I don't know. I'm not feeling very good about myself.

(--And I really do apologize for how manic-depressive my overall post history seems at times. I swear I'm more stable than I make myself appear on here; I think with me, these feelings just so happen to sort themselves out better when I'm writing.)
