
By college standards, today pretty much sucked. And to top it all off, Eccentric NYer just dropped by my room and was behaving like a Tipsy Bitch (i.e. criticizing me for no reason in front of my roommate and another friend of ours & showing an obvious lack of restraint in the things he was saying). In the mood I was in, I obviously wasn't having it, esp. since I still had work to do, so I was basically forced to ask him to leave. Which of course elicited a bitchy response. :/

Here's to future better days?

EDIT: Though one great thing that happened was that Male Chicagoan agreed to drive me to Columbus to see a concert next month! ...Though that was balanced out by the fact that I literally spent an hour crying in a deserted library room later in the day.

So today still sucked. :/
