Crazy ass college life

Haha, I left for brunch at 12:30 this afternoon expecting to be back by 1:30 PM to finish the last five minutes of Cross Game ep 1. Instead I got so sidetracked that I didn't get back to my room until just now a little after 1:30 AM, essentially twelve hours after I was originally planning to return. How does that even happen lol. And I basically spent the day talking to people... other than talking and eating, I just helped someone with their laundry and watched a dance recital. The other eight or so hours was just spent in conversation with various people, haha.

And of course I got no work done! Which means I have to do everything tomorrow, along with going to a gospel choir concert and almost undoubtedly talking to DHB for a couple hours (since he'll have been gone all weekend). Blegh.

As for Cross Game, the ending of that first episode totally spun me for a loop. Like, damn. Otherwise, it seems like a simple, but touching show so far... will definitely continue watching for now. :)
