Since break started

Foods I've eaten (that are worth mentioning) since returning to Chicago:

  • Thai restaurant #1
  • Spanish (tapas)
  • Japanese hotpot
  • Conveyor belt sushi
  • Korean
  • Vietnamese
  • Intelligentsia coffee, haha
  • Thai restaurant #2
  • Thai restaurant #3

I've also attended ACen (as everyone already knows), a Green ("going Green") festival, and saw the new modern wing of the Art Institute. My mother apparently has difficulty appreciating modern art of any kind, even ones that are more than just paint blots on a canvas. >_>;

Anime & movies I've watched/been watching since break started:

  • Eden of the East
  • Basquash! (dropped)
  • Cross Game
  • Baccano!
  • Code Geass R2
  • The Reader
  • Wanted
  • Slumdog Millionaire for the 3rd freakin time
  • What Women Want >_>;
  • Star Trek
  • WILL BE SEEING UP. Also will prob. stream or rent Terminator Salvation, Wolverine & Drag me to Hell

I've also added 150-ish more songs to my iPod this past week and have realized how much my musical tastes have expanded these past couple years. :)

For example...

Two songs I've been listening to a lot the past few days. And that first artist is someone I didn't "get" at all a couple years back.

...So yeah, my life hasn't been terribly eventful these past couple weeks, haha. Though it's been nice just bumming around for a while, and I've managed to keep myself semi-busy just by cooking for myself/doing grocery shopping and going to the gym everyday, so at least I don't feel totally slothful. And I just KNOW next summer is going to suck horse ballz, since chances are I'll be taking an intensive Chinese language program at Middlebury or someplace similar. (And language pledges are the definition of something that sucks horse ballz. :/) So here's to my last laidback summer in who knows how long!

.....And I managed to squirt Gogurt all over myself and my shirt while reading over this post. And some of it even got onto my bra! WTF. How does that even happen.

Unless something phenomenal happens, MY NEXT POST WILL BE MY RESPONSE TO SANGOME'S FAN WORD CHALLENGE. Because if I don't say so now, I may never get to it!
