Old school

I'm on the fifth episode of Touch (sort of a predecessor to Cross Game), and I can't even remember the last time I felt so frustrated while watching a show. Honestly, I'm so frustrated that my eyes are tearing up.

And I mean all that in a very, very good way. More on this once I get further into the series, but I gotta say, the manga-ka who wrote both this and Cross Game really knows what the hell he's doing. No wonder this show is so famous in Japan!

But seriously, if the lead character doesn't get his ass in gear and DO something soon, I might just punch my computer screen.

While on the topic of vintage anime, I've been wanting to watch The Dog of Flanders for years (IIRC, since middle school!), but I've always been afraid that it will make me cry myself to sleep and curse the world forever. Did anyone reading this have the heart to watch the whole thing? :/

I've also been re-watching the crap out of Cardcaptor Sakura lately (a.k.a. the show where everyone is gay and underage), which I've realized is a lot more fun to watch when you know about Touya and Yukito from the get-go. CLAMP just makes it too damn easy; you can tell that they enjoy their own fanservice as much as their readers do. :P
