Im back

I forgot I could do posts ^.^' sorry about that *cough* yea im here. i havent been really talking much since i still can't figure out how to comment on u guys's sites so plz forgive me =.=.

Well updates on Be Mine!:
I finished the first book and 27 people read it!! 8D they loved it except 3 or four but thats understanable cuz theyre boyz who hate to "read" xD but yea i was litt attacked to make the second book so Im working on it now as I speak x3 Bad news is I prob wont post it up on here >.< im so sorry but its alot of work to edit it, make the right words, darken it, scan it. where talking Ovr 200 pages here. id think i dieeee. and my editors have no clue how to do it so it be only me working on it. I'll think about it but i doubt it =.= sorry again.

I have a new love and their name is... starbucks... LMAO im officaly addicted to chai frapachinos (sp?). sooo good but so expensive =.=''

Vaccation with my bois from the 5th of july to the 12th in the outer banks!!! I'll make sure i post pics if I can x3. well pm me, but ur best way to get ahold of me is through my aim or txting(if u have it) Luv u kitty K.o., queenb, and atritus!!! x3

Luv Always
