
Wensday! whoo hoo always a fun day ^.^ tommarwo is drumline wee i got snare for my senior year!! *dances Im so happy.

!!!!!!!!BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!
Kitty K.o. is having a contest!!! Its pretty much an open contest and you people should totally join ^.^ she needs more people to dedicate so that this thing can work out. Its about drawing any of her characters from her comics that she has made. If you havent read them yet I REALLY recomend them because the art work is amazing and the plots of them are very well written ^.^ my fav is Kitty days because my luv Miu is there! *squeals* and her prizes are pretty much banging!!! Come on you knnow you want to join *puppy dog face* pretty pretty pweez. Can you guys also help spread the word? *huggles* wovers you guys!!! >>>> http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/253295/full-kitty-love_contest_announced%2521
Other news
Be mine pics of Toyas up! Thankyou guys for commenting on him and peach my fox x3. You guys rock ^.^ *hugs* and thankies for commenting here! HAVe a wonderful day!!!
