
Hello dear friends!! how is everyone doing? im sorrwie i havent been on much, between work and friends i havnt had much time to relax =.=' But yestrday was amazing!!!!!!TYLER CAME TO MY TOWN!!!
its a long story if you dont know who tyler is soo i'll do a quick update ^.^ he's an ADORABLY HOTT guy ((hotter then miu!! le gasp did i say that?!!)) that lives 4hrs away from me (sadly) that is always there for me. He helped me through my Jon times and he and i r sadly friends with benifits some people may dissagree with that but its just how we can only be since the distnace =.='
ANywaysss bcak tto the story It took me forever to get to the game! Kat (my bff) told me she couldnt go see the boys game cuz she was buisy and cancled on me last min. It started 9am and i eventually got there at 6 ^.^'' it was still going but apparently my so called friend was there and lied to me. she's in DEEP water for lieing...-.-' but I GOT TO SEE TYLER!!!!! he's soooo sexy when playing softball *drools* his team won when i got there and went to champs but i had to leave b4 the champ game was over sadly but apparently they lost ... so it look slike i was his good luck charm :/
Now the softball thing he was in was for demoly. dont ask its an organization, idk how to explain it but it has boys boys boys!!!! i was in boy heaven :3 i got 4 guys's numbers! but ty and i couldnt hang together sadly cuz he was playing when i got there (missed his break) and they left today..... they came on fri night (late) games were on sat, then everyone goes home today... they left about 1020 am apparently *tear* ughh thta makes me soo sad ...but he saw me :/
