
AHHH i got my cell phone taken away!! its a go phone and i pay for it myself and i just refilled it and my evil band teacher takes it!!! like we were playing and i was having a hard time on snare drums( its my 1st yr on snare and im the only snare in the class) and he kept yelling at me saying i was doing it all wrong and stuff and i was getting frustrated. so that made me mess up even more. so he basicly asked me if i was stupid and i didnt respond so he just yelled " you know what dont play at all!" so i was trying to calm down by telling one of my friends the story. well she txted back and said " o dont worry about it. juz shove ur drumstick up his fat ass" and i laughed outloud and told my friend spencer beside me it and he over heard and took my phone. I was so mad i like cried all fourth block : [
